
Wheelchair and Scooter Hire

The Centre provides complimentary wheelchair or motorised scooter hire for customers use.
Customers only require current identification to borrow the equipment from the Centre Management office (located opposite The Cheesecake Shop).

This service is available Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm.

Lost Property

Lost property can be found at Centre Management*. Should you believe that you have lost an article within Cannon Hill Kmart Plaza please do not hesitate to contact the Centre Management staff on (07) 3399 3600.
* Kmart and Coles also hold lost property found within their store.

Parents Room

Public Toilets are located in the corridor next to Go Dollars. Male, Female and Disable toilets are provided, as well as a Parents Room.

The Parent’s Room is located in the middle of the Centre (see Centre Map) for your convenience.  The Parents Room provides a changing area, microwave and  toilet facilities.